COURIERS PedissShopkeepers

Updated February 29, 2024



1. Company

COMERLIA SAS. is a company established in accordance with the laws of Colombia, identified with NIT No. 901697345-5, domiciled in the city of Bogotá D.C., and which for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions will be called the Portal.

2. Definitions

2.1. Services: courier and micro-distribution services provided by PedissTenderos Allies and made available to Users through App and Web Platforms of the portal, allowing the User traceability and evidence of each of the requirements and shipments in time real.

2.2. PedissTendero Ally: any natural person who, complying with the linking requirements and adhering to the Terms and Conditions established by the portal, voluntarily decides to provide the Services.

23. User: any natural person who voluntarily decides to contract the Services offered by the portal and who adheres to the Terms and Conditions established therein.

2.4. Portal: virtual program (software) App and Web through which the portal makes the Services available to the User.

2.5. The portal: legal entity (Comerlia S.A.S., identified with NIT 901697345-5) in charge of providing the Services and setting the terms and conditions of use addressed to Users and PedissTenderos Allies.

2.6. News: any request or claim by the User and/or PedissTendero Ally regarding: (i) losses, (ii) total or partial damage to the products in relation to a Service requested through the Platform, and/or (iii) ) the execution of the Services.

2.7. Cookies: are small files that are installed on the hard drive of the terminal with which the User accesses, for consultation by the portal about the activity, habits and consumption preferences of the Users.

2.8. Personal Data: any piece of information linked or that can be associated with one or more natural persons, determined or determinable.

2.9. Intellectual Property: any intangible asset susceptible to protection through Intellectual Property, including, but not limited to, distinctive signs, new creations, business secrets and all works and contents covered by copyright.

3. Object

This document establishes the Terms and Conditions in which Users and PedissTenderos Allies may access the portal to coordinate use and interact with each other in relation to the Services provided by PedissTenderos Allies.

The entry and use of the Platform by the Partner and/or the User is a formal and unequivocal declaration of acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions included in this document.

The portal reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of this document without prior notice to the PedissShop Partners and/or Users. These modifications will take effect upon publication on the Platform. Likewise, the portal reserves the right to carry out tests of different products, communications and rates without prior notice, with the idea of collecting information that helps improve the Platform.

4. Responsibility

The portal, in its capacity as an intermediary, is not responsible for the efficiency, effectiveness, effectiveness and quality of the services provided by the PedissTenderos Allies, to the extent that these (i) are not provided by the pediss portal. com, (ii) the Users are not under a subordinate relationship with the portal and (iii) the services offered by the portal are limited to enabling the Platform to facilitate communication between the Users and the users. Allies PedissShopkeepers. Consequently, the portal is not responsible for any event or inconvenience that occurs during the execution of the Services. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the portal will be liable for any action or omission of its employees during the support it provides to the PedissTendero Ally and/or User in the provision of the Services.

However, in the event that a Service with a Guarantee is contracted, the portal will only be liable for the value declared on the Platform for the products.

5. Purpose of using the Services

The Ally and/or User undertakes to only use the Platform for the purposes and purposes permitted by law. Therefore, the Ally will not attend and the User will not request any Service through the Platform to cause discomfort or inconvenience to others. It is prohibited to use the Platform to prevent, hinder or block the correct functioning of the portal system.

The User will not use the Platform for the purpose of requesting the transportation of prohibited items, those obobjects whose circulation is not permitted for reasons of security, public health, general utility and/or legality. The User must declare the real nature of the product that is the object of the Service, in order to avoid any type of defect in the provision of the service.

The Ally and/or User must hold harmless and indemnify the portal for any loss, damage, investigation, demand, claim, litigation, or any judicial or extrajudicial process in which the portal is involved due to the violation. by the Ally and/or User of this clause.

6. Intellectual Property

The Intellectual Property of the Platform and its operation to achieve the provision of the Services through it is the exclusive property of the portal. This includes the entire software, its parts, as well as any distinctive sign, including, but not limited to, the brand, name, logo, and/or any of its components.

Copying and/or distributing all or part of the software owned by the portal is prohibited, even if the purpose of said copy is a non-profit activity. The software The portal is for own use and, consequently, is non-transferable under any title and under any modality. It is the obligation of the Ally to keep his/her username and password secret and must be responsible for any misuse that any third party may give to the portal.

7. Use of Information

The portal reserves the right to use the information collected when registering on the portal and the information generated or derived from the use of the Platform. Registration information is essentially used to facilitate communication and contact between the Partner and the User.

8. Waiting time policy

PedissTenderos Allies will wait up to ten (10) minutes at any of the Service addresses. After ten (10) minutes of waiting in any of the addresses, you must contact the portal to receive instructions about the Service. For the early morning period between 12:00 am and 5:00 am, the waiting time will be (7) minutes. The extra cost for the additional time must be covered by the User according to the current rate that reflects the Platform or that is communicated to the User. This policy applies to all types of Services.

The maximum waiting time will be twenty (20) minutes.

9. Weight, dimensions and precautions

For home and courier Services, the User's products may not exceed fifty (50) cm in height, length and width. Likewise, the weight of the product may not exceed fifty (50) kg.

Additionally, the User must guarantee that the merchandise of their Service is optimally packaged in such a way that it is not susceptible to damage during a normal trip by bicycle, motorcycle, or any other suitable vehicle. The Ally will refrain from receiving merchandise that does not comply with the conditions provided in this section.

10. Delivery Policy

The Platform will inform the PedissTenderos Allies of the delivery location of the products requested by the User, along with all the information for the delivery process that the Users require. Without prejudice to the foregoing, delivery will be deemed to have been made if the Partner leaves the Product at the delivery location and attaches a photo of the façade of the destination property.

The PedissTendero Ally will make reasonable efforts to make a personal delivery to the recipient of the shipment. This may include calls, text messages, communication with the goalkeeper of a building or complex, among others. However, if the recipient does not receive the product immediately upon the arrival of PedissTendero, the Partner will be entitled to leave the product at the entrance of the building, which will be understood as a successful delivery for all purposes of these terms and conditions. and it will be understood that the product was received in accordance.

11. Policy for reviewing the value of services and modifications

Allies PedissShopkeepers and/or Users will have a period of up to thirty (30) calendar days from the request for a Service to present any News to the portal.

In the event that in the event of any News it has not been possible to contact the Ally and/or User who requested the Service, the portal will send by email to the registered email of the Ally and/or User the pertinent information about the News. The Partner and/or User will have two (2) business days to respond to said News. If no response is received within that period, it will be understood that the News has been accepted and that the Partner/or User withdraws from any subsequent claim.

12. No additional guarantees

The Ally and/or User accepts that The portal does not give any representation and/or guarantee, express, implicit or statutory, that is not expressly established in these Terms and Conditions. The PedissTendero Partner and/or User accepts that all risk derived from the use of the Platform and the Services will be solely theirs, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

13. Limitation of liability

The portal will not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including loss of profits, loss of data, personal injury or property damage, or damages relating to, or in connection with with, or otherwise arising from, any use of the Services. This includes damages arising from (i) the use of the Platform, or (ii) any Service in the hands of an Partner. The portal will in no case be liable for any loss or damage in an amount that exceeds the value of the Service indicated by the Platform.

14. Processing of Personal Data

By linking to the portal, the Partner and/or User authorizes the portal to process their personal data, and that said data be incorporated into the portal databases and stored on servers. The portal. The treatment that will be given to personal data includes the collection, storage, use and circulation within the company, or its affiliates, and will be carried out in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy The portal (available on the website The portal), Statutory Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and Decree 886 of 2014.

15. Use of Cookies

The Platform The portal uses its own and third-party cookies with the purpose of: (i) optimizing the services offered, (ii) offering a better browsing experience to the Partner and/or User, and (iii) providing information on all type to the Ally and/or User in accordance with their preferences.

These cookies can be of several types: 1) Due to their duration: (i) session cookie, that is, those that only remain active while the PedissTendero Partner and/or registered User uses a certain web space, allowing the Partner to be identified. PedissShopkeeper and/or User in order to personalize their experience. At the end of the session, this cookie will disappear without being stored on the device's hard drive, (ii) permanent cookie, that is, one programmed directly by the Platform in order to track the Partner and/or User each time the generates a new visit. 2) Due to their purpose: (i) essential or technical cookies, that is, those essential to guarantee proper navigation, allowing correct traffic and data recognition, (ii) personalization cookies, those that store the preferences of a certain device such as for example, the language, the type of browser, the characteristics that the portal has depending on the place in the world from which it is accessed, etc., (iii) analysis cookies, those that allow the creation of a browsing profile by Ally and/or User, analyzing their behavior and preferences, and (iv) advertising cookies, that is, those used for their own or third-party marketing campaigns, intended to make the Ally and/or User aware of products and /or services in spaces previously defined by the portal for this purpose. These cookies can be behavioral, that is, they are designed to store information about the frequent visits of the Partner and/or User and the continued observation of their browsing habits. This, in turn, allows the creation of a profile to display advertising. according to the analysis carried out.

Therefore, the Partner and/or User accepts that the Platform uses “cookies” to collect information about their interaction on the Platform. In any case, the Partner and/or User can choose to visit the Portal Platform without “cookies”, for which they can configure their browser to reject all “cookies”, or to notify them when one is created. “cookie”. (Each browser is different, so you should consult your browser's "Help" menu to learn how to modify your cookie preferences.) Without prejudice to the foregoing, if the use of Cookies for the browser is canceled, the Partner and/or User accepts that they will not be able to benefit from many of the functions of the Platform, and accepts that the use of the Platform may be impacted.

16. Authorization for Consultation and Reports

The User declares that the information they have provided on the Platform and during the commercial relationship is true and gives their express and irrevocable consent to the portal to:

16.1. Consult, at any time, in any risk center or database, such as the information center of financial entities in Colombia or DataCrédito or any other financial and credit information operator, all the relevant information to carry out credit risk studies in any of his etapas and for carrying out marketing campaigns and offering products.

16.2. Report to any risk center or database, such as the information center of financial entities in Colombia or DataCrédito or to any risk information center, data on compliance or non-compliance with their credit, commercial or service obligations or their duties. legal assets of patrimonial content, and their location and contact data, in accordance with the limits provided in Law 1266 of 2008.

16.3. Provide any risk center or database, such as the information center of financial entities in Colombia or DataCrédito or any other risk information center with data related to your credit applications, as well as other information related to your commercial, financial and in general socioeconomic that the User has delivered or that appear in public records, databases or public documents.

17. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms and Conditions are governed entirely by Colombian Law. Any difference or controversy that arises between the parties regarding this contract, its execution, compliance and/or settlement, will be resolved directly and amicably between the parties. If, after fifteen (15) calendar days of written notification of the controversy from one of the parties to the other, without a negotiated agreement being reached, it will be decided by the ordinary jurisdiction.

18. Acceptance

The Ally and/or User declares and guarantees (i) that he has legal capacity to use the Platform and to contract with the portal, (ii) that he has read all of the Terms and Conditions, (iii) that he accepts the Terms and Conditions in their entirety and are obliged to comply with them.


1. Definition and scope of the service provided

Through the Platform, the portal allows the User access to its Platform, to facilitate the User requesting courier, home and/or transportation services, which are provided by third-party couriers or transporters, Aliados PedissTenderos to the pediss portal .com. Once the User chooses a Service, the portal will put the User in contact with a PedissTendero Partner so that the latter, at their own expense and risk, can carry out the activities of the delivery service. To this extent, the portal acts solely as an intermediary between the User and the PedissTendero Partner, but will supervise and guarantee the provision of the service by a PedissTendero Partner.

As consideration for the Services provided, the User must pay the Partner a fee that will be specified at the time of requesting each Service. Said payment will be collected by the portal, in the name and representation of the Ally, by virtue of their contractual relationship. The method of payment will be specified at the time of requesting the Services, but may be through cash payment, credit card or electronic payment.

The Services will be available in Bogotá D.C., Cali, Barranquilla, Medellín, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Pereira, Ibagué, Manizales, Armenia and the other cities chosen by the portal. The portal may, at its own discretion, expand the coverage of the Services to other cities.

2. Payment methods

The PedissTenderos Allies will receive the payments made by the User's end customers, in accordance with the following:

2.1. Electronic Payment with payment methods provided by the User: If the payment is through electronic means provided by the User, at the time of collecting the products at the User's establishment, the User will give the Partner a dataphone, once the identity of the Ally and after completing a dataphone delivery tracking form. The dataphone must be returned by the Partner to the User within a maximum period of three (3) hours after delivering the products to the end customer, along with proof of payment (voucher) that accounts for the payment. If the establishment is already closed, the Partner must return the dataphone the next day, before 10:00 a.m.

2.2. Electronic Payment with payment methods provided by the portal: If the payment is through electronic means provided by the User, it will be governed by the provisions of section 3 of these Terms and Conditions and other applicable provisions.

2.3 Cash Payment: If payment is in cash, it will be governed by the following considerations:

to. If the value of the products is less than or equal to COP$150,000, the Partner, upon receipt of the products at the respective establishment, will make an advance payment in cash to the User, for the value of the User's sales invoice ( which will include the value of the products plus the address). The invoice value is paid The final customer will pay to the Ally, who will keep that money. The value of the Service will be paid by the User to the portal with the corresponding billing.

b. If, on the other hand, the value of the products is greater than COP$150,000, the Partner will contribute the COP$150,000 to the respective establishment and must receive the corresponding payment from the end customer.

c. After delivery to the final customer and receipt of full payment, the sums of money delivered by the final customer and received by the Partner on behalf of the User must be delivered to the User's establishment where the products were collected, maximum within the next three (3) hours after the delivery of the products to the final customer has been recorded, and in any case, it must happen within the same day that the products are delivered, except for the situation provided for in the following paragraph.

d. In the event that the User's establishment is closed after the delivery of the products, the Partner must deliver the money to the User on the immediately following day before 10:00 a.m.

and. In the event that an end customer does not receive the products, totally or partially, the Partner must return to the establishment with the remaining products and the User will return the corresponding money, in cash, to the Partner.

3. Collection of electronic payments with payment methods provided by the portal

This section only applies to Users who have requested the Electronic Payment modality with payment methods provided by the portal through the Platform. Under the use of this modality, the portal will only take into account on the Platform the availability of Allied PedissShopkeepers who have electronic means of payment provided by the portal.

The money received by the PedissTenderos Allies will be collected in the name of the portal in accordance with the following:

(i) The portal will manage the resources collected with the prudence of a good businessman, with the understanding that it has the obligation of restitution within the deadlines and with the periodicity indicated in these Terms and Conditions, for which which is specifically instructed that they be managed through demand deposit products or open collective portfolios or similar financial products with the purpose that the resources are reasonably expected to be available within the agreed upon deadlines for their restitution.

(ii) The User will not have any right to be reimbursed or paid for the profitability that the User may obtain as a result of the deposit or delivery of the resources collected to entities supervised by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and the obligation of restitution will be limited to the sums actually received by the portal for the sale made, deducting the costs and expenses incurred on the occasion of the Agreement. Consequently, nothing in this Agreement will oblige the portal to recognize remuneration for the use of the collected resources, including their use in acts typical of its own ordinary course of business.

The portal will reimburse the User for the amounts collected for the services provided by the PedissTenderos Allies when the collection is made with payment methods provided by the portal, within the period communicated by the pediss portal. .com to the User. The reimbursement of the resources collected will be paid by the portal to the User, by bank transfer to the account indicated by the User with the frequency indicated above.

The amount owed by the User to the portal as consideration for the payment collection services referred to in Section 2.2 of the Special Provisions for Users will be retained and deducted from the amount collected to be transferred monthly.

4. Warranty on Products

The portal will assume any damage and/or losses suffered by the User's products, only when the User has contracted a Service with a Guarantee, and will only be liable for the value declared on the Platform. Guaranteed Service is understood to be that service in which the User declares under oath the value of the products that are the subject of the Service, and pays an increase in the rate set by the portal. Guaranteed Services are subject to the following special conditions:

to. It is optional for the portal to accept or not the Service.

b. The statements made by the User in the request for the Guaranteed Services are subject to review and verification by the portal and they will be understood to have been made under the severity of the oath.

c. In case of damage, deterioration and/or loss of a User's product for which a Service with a Guarantee was contracted that The portal had accepted, The portal will respond to the User for the declared value of the Service with Guarantee.

d. In no case will the portal be obliged to assume, under any circumstances or in any way, a value higher than that declared by the User when contracting the Service with Guarantee.

and. When the Service is in cash, the User is obliged to request and receive from the Partner the base amount of COP$150,000 as a contribution to the payment of the products. In the event of loss or damage to these products that were contracted with a Service with a Guarantee, the portal will only be liable for the difference between the value of the product and the cash base that the User was obliged to receive from the Partner. In all cash cases it is understood that the User received payment of the base amount.

F. The surcharge for Service with Guarantee will depend on the value of the product and the category of the client, in accordance with the following table:

Type A Client: Between 0 and 299 services per month

Product Value Warranty Surcharge

COP$0 – COP$100,000 1% on product value

COP$100,001 – COP$500,000 1.5% on product value

COP$500,001 – COP$2,000,000 2% on product value

Type B Client: More than 300 services per month

Product Value Warranty Surcharge

COP$0 – COP$100,000 0.5% on product value

COP$100,001 – COP$500,000 0.5% on product value

COP$500,001 – COP$2,000,000 0.5% on product value

g. The limit of liability on products is COP$2,000,000 per service.

h. The portal may request documents that support the declared value as a requirement to respond, including, but not limited to, a commercial invoice for the product, sworn statement before a notary of the lost goods and their value, a report to the Police or Prosecutor's Office, or the documents it considers suitable to prove the value of the assets. In the event that the User does not deliver the documents in the required time, the portal will not compensate for the loss of the goods.

5. Rights and Obligations of the User

Users who request Services through the Platform will have the following rights:

to. Enter and use the Platform to place Orders, and that the portal guarantees the correct functioning of the Platform.

b. That the rates determined on the Platform be respected, in accordance with the parameters and adjustments provided at the time of contracting a Service.

c. Obtain support from the portal team to carry out the Services.

In turn, Users who request Services through the Platform will have the following obligations:

to. Respect the Intellectual Property of the portal, so the User has no right to license, sell, resell, assign, distribute, advertise, exploit or take any commercial advantage from the Platform, the brands, banners, commercial slogans, or service tools from the portal.

b. Do not modify or make works based on the software, parts of the software or the brand of the portal.

c. Do not make links or mirrors of the Services of the portal, or provide the Platform Services for third parties.

d. Refrain from doing “reverse-engineering” (dismantling the application into its components to understand how it works, whether for academic and/or non-profit purposes).

and. Make payments for the Services, under the terms and in accordance with the conditions established by the Platform for each Service.

F. Demand and verify compliance with the obligations of the portal.

g. Make the products that are the subject of the Services available to PedissTenderos Allies, under the terms agreed for each type of Service.

h. Indicate to the portal complete information on the destination of the goods, name and address of the recipient, place of delivery, nature and general observations on the Platform. In the event that the information provided is not true or valid, the User accepts all responsibility for any damage or harm caused to the portal, Aliados PedissTenderos or third parties, without prejudice to the civil or criminal consequences that may arise. place.

Yo. Carry out the packaging and labeling of the products according to their nature.

j. The others that arise from the nature of the products that are the object of the Services.

k. In the event that the User improperly uses the Services, does not report correct or valid information, and/or attempts to obtain Services without reporting and on behalf of the Partner, he/she accepts all responsibility for any damage or harm caused to the portal. Allies PedissShopkeepers or third parties, without prejudice to the civil or criminal consequences that may arise. In addition, the portal may impose a monetary penalty equivalent to five times the value of the Service, which the User will pay. requires payment immediately, with the sole presentation of the evidence by the portal. The User authorizes the portal to deduct any credit balance he or she has for the payment of said penalty. Likewise, the company may suspend the provision of services. Non-payment for the Services provided by the Partner, or fraudulent use of the promotional codes of the portal, is also considered improper use of the platform, understood as: (i) the creation of multiple accounts for the redemption of the Promotional code; (ii) sharing promotional codes without having previously established this dynamic or (iii) any other fraudulent use that threatens the transparency and proper use of the platform.

l. Use the Platform through electronic devices in which you can guarantee the security of the information provided on the Platform. The portal is not responsible for the effects that may occur to the User or other third parties due to the information provided on devices where it may be exposed to third parties.

m. The User must indemnify and hold harmless the portal from any loss, damage, claim or process arising from: (i) their use of the Platform; (ii) your failure to comply with the conditions of these Terms and Conditions; (iii) the violation of any of the rights of the PedissTenderos Allies by the User, (v) any claim initiated by the PedissTenderos Allies against the User; and/or (vi) any damage caused to third parties in the provision of services to Users.

n. In the event that the end clients of the Users make use of the payment method referred to in Section 2.2 of the Special Provisions for Users, they must comply with the following practices:

• Provide the information that the portal requests for the proper execution of the Agreement and, in particular:

o Correctly inform the portal of the values corresponding to the bases and amounts of taxes, returns, fees and/or withholdings that apply to sales, and, consequently, assume responsibility for any errors incurred in this regard;

o If VAT is not applied to the operation due to the exclusion provided for in the law, in any case, it will be the User's obligation to inform the portal so that it pre-fills the space or boxes corresponding to VAT into zeros. Likewise, it will be the User's obligation to carry out VAT discrimination in the event of sales susceptible to refund tax benefits in favor of cardholders;

• Respond in a due and timely manner to complaints presented directly by the cardholder, or indirectly, through the entity that provides the administration services of the low-value payment system, including those referred to. article 51 of Law 1480 of 2008 or other regulations that modify or replace it. In the event that the claims presented are not attended to in a timely manner, agree to assume the imposition of charges, chargebacks, returns or reversals that end up being assumed by the portal and pay them within seven (7) days after they are generated. ;

• Assume the sums that are the subject of reversals of operations, precautionary charges or non-payment of sums in exchange, when a fraudulent operation is evident that generates its repudiation or those that, in accordance with the applicable regulations, allow reversal on the occasion of non-compliance. in the delivery of the offered product and/or failure to comply with the quality of the merchandise or service;

• Pay the consideration and reimbursements of costs and expenses in accordance with the agreement with the portal.

• Include within its terms and conditions of sale, or within its personal data protection policy, the authorization of the Clients to be contacted by the Contractor for the purposes of delivering the products at home, coordinating the payments object of the this contract, or have a support contact in case there is a problem with the collection.

• In the event that a change of payment method is required, the User must pay the distance, round trip and stop charges that apply.

either. Comply with the following good use practices of the Platform and the PedissTenderos Allies network:

● If the Service requires the Partner to have cash in excess of COP$150,000 for purchases or other payments, the additional displacement this generates will be automatically adjusted and the amount to be paid by the User will be updated. Applies to all Services. If the user requires the collection of money, this must be notified in the platform description box at the time of requesting the service. MU reserves the right to grant payment prerogative in efective to the Users it deems appropriate.

● When the Service is in cash, the User is obliged to request and receive from the Partner the base amount of COP$150,000 as a contribution to the payment of the products.

● The User must respond to any eventuality of the Service. If unsuccessful attempts to communicate exceed 20 minutes, the Service will be cancelled, and the User must be responsible for all costs incurred. Applies to all services.

● The portal does not receive money or documents of any kind in its offices. The User must ask the Partner to take the money or documents to their offices as part of the Service. The additional displacement that this generates will be adjusted automatically and the value to be paid by the user will be updated. This applies only to the courier service.

● The User may not request the Partner to return any money left over from any purchase or other payments during the Service. It will only be requested if from the beginning the User makes the request through the platform and schedules a round-trip service. For this, the following conditions are stipulated that the user must meet: (i) The value delivered must be exact; (ii) If the amount is not exact, the User must request a round-trip service for the return of the excess money; and (iii) If the user does not request the round trip service, there will be no refund.

● The User must clarify in the platform description box if any special equipment is needed to perform the service (suitcase, trunk, lunch box or grill). If you do not do so, MU will not be liable for any damage or deterioration to the product resulting from the lack of the special implement. If the User requires the reassignment of the Service to another Partner with special equipment (suitcase, trunk, lunch box or grill), the User is obliged to cover the costs associated with the reassignment.

● The User must clarify in the description if they need proof of delivery of the Services performed. In these cases, you must request a round-trip service so that the Partner can deliver the receipts to your offices or home once the service is completed. Neither the portal nor the PedissTenderos Allies will physically or digitally store proof of delivery. If proof of delivery is required in digital format, the User must request it in advance at the time of performing the Service through the platform. Proof of delivery requested will not be delivered 12 hours after the end of the Service.

● The Ally is not obliged to wear a uniform or insignia of any kind.

● The User must always ask the Partner for their identity document at the payment point, to verify the identity of the Partner against the information on the Platform.

● The User must always report, with evidence, any anomaly in the Service through the Platform chat.

● The portal reserves the right to review the merchandise transported by PedissTenderos Allies.

● The User will not be able to choose the Ally who will perform their service.

● The User who requests services directly with an Partner without using the Platform will have access to it restricted and the account will be cancelled.

● Neither the portal nor the PedissTenderos Allies will be responsible for those things that are not specified in the description of the Service. In case of modification of the Service, the User must contact the support area directly.

● In the event of popular demonstrations, natural disasters or any other eventuality that constitutes force majeure or unforeseen circumstances and therefore affects travel times, the portal and the PedissTenderos Allies are exempt from compliance with the Service times. .

● In case of rain, service times may be altered without this being considered non-compliance on the part of the portal or the PedissTenderos Allies.

● The User undertakes that all the information provided when requesting the Service is true, including, but not limited to, the destination address and therefore it must be possible to make delivery at any of the stops. In the event that it is not possible to deliver at any of the stops due to inaccurate information or because no person authorized to receive the service was present, the Partner will arrange to take it again to the address of origin, or if it is not possible to where the portal considers the best place. The User must be responsible for all costs incurred for this.

● The User undertakes to deliver the merchandise in good condition, otherwise the Partner may not accept the merchandise.

● The User agrees to treat all PedissTenderos Allies respectfully. In caAny differences or claims should be sent directly to the portal.

● The point of sale must have sufficient dataphones to meet dispatch times and avoid backing up services. In the event of carrying out a service where the dataphone has a fault and does not allow payment to be received, the Partner will return to the point to pick up a new dataphone and this trip will have to be covered by the User. Applies only to home users.

● In the event that the User has delivered the wrong product and the Partner has to return it, this displacement must be assumed by the User.

● If the User has not requested a Service through the platform, the PedissTenderos Allies will not carry out the Service nor will the portal be responsible for it.

● The User may not demand a defined time for the delivery of their Service.

● Once the User requests the Service and after it is assigned, the Partner will try to arrive at the first pickup address within the first 25 minutes.

6. Cancellation policy

The cancellation policy of the portal is governed by the following terms and conditions, which may be modified from time to time and even directly on the Platform:

1. Waiting Services: All services that are canceled while they are in the “waiting” state will not have any charge to the User as a penalty for canceling the service.

2. Assigned Services: Cancellations made after the service has been assigned to an Ally will have the following penalties:

● From 0 to 2 minutes: No cancellation fees will be applied.

● From 2 to 10 minutes: A charge of COP$2,500 pesos will be applied for cancellation fees.

● From 10 minutes onwards: No cancellation fees will be applied.

3. Services in Process: In the case of courier services, cancellations made after the Partner arrives at the first stop of the Service will have a penalty of COP$2,500 pesos for cancellation expenses. For home services, cancellations that occur when arriving at the first stop and before leaving it, will not be penalized to the User.

4. Services Canceled After Pickup: Cancellation made after the Partner has left the first stop will give rise to a penalty equivalent to the sum of the following cancellation costs:

● The total value of the service.

● Expenses incurred before the cancellation of the Service was announced (e.g. purchases made during the service), for all cancellations made outside the stipulated period. In any case, the Partner must return any product purchase made within the framework of a canceled Service to receive a refund of expenses.

5. Services without assignment: In the event that a service has not been taken by any Partner within 24 hours of its launch on the Platform to the network, said service will be automatically canceled by the Platform. This point will only apply to services that last 24 hours available to PedissTenderos Allies and are not purchased by any. It will not apply to services created on the Platform, but not launched on the network.

If the payment is not fulfilled in accordance with the Cancellation Policy, the access of said User will be restricted and therefore they will not be able to make requests for services. The User accepts that the portal deducts cancellation concepts from any credit or balance in favor.

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On weekdays:



from 8:00 to 21:00

from 9:00 to 20:00

from 10:00 to 19:00