Welcome to FBL!

FBL is the acronym for Fulfillment by Https://pediss. com, a service that offers the possibility of storing your Products in our warehouse and leaving all the processing of your Orders to us. Https://pediss.com is responsible for packaging and delivering Products to the Client, guaranteeing their dispatch within 48 hours and in the best conditions, through our own fleet or with one of the different transporters that we handle at Https://pediss.com.


Faster delivery times

Same Day deliveries on selected products in the metropolitan area

Nex Day deliveries in major cities

Preferential shipping rates

All your products are sent in pediss packaging

Positioning your products in the Marketplace

Priority in campaign participation

Increased sales

Exclusive landing page positioning

More attractive offers for your clients

Greater customer satisfaction and repurchase

Your operational indicators improve thanks to the optimization of your delivery times and reduction of cancellation charges.

You will have more time to focus on other areas of your company.

FBL Registration Process

https://pediss.com is responsible for the storage, packaging, shipping and billing of your products.</ p>

1.        Negotiation and agreement of the proposed products for our FBL model

2.        Generate the request through providers@pediss .com to send your products to our warehouse

3.        Coordination to receive our products in our warehouse

4.        We begin to ship your products from our warehouse and together we can manage your stock.

Manage your FBL stock from Seller Center!

FBL Order Dispatch

1.    You send us your products to our warehouse

2.    </ span>When a new order is generated we We take care of shipping it.

3.    </ span>We ship all your products in pediss packaging in less than 48 hours

4.    </ span>You receive payment for your orders

This is how FBL products are shown

FBL products reach your customers at the speed of light! When your products belong to FBL, your products will have an icon with the legend “Express Shipping”, and will be displayed with this notice.

Visibility at all times of your FBL sales!

You will be able to have visibility at all times of the details of yourpayments for sales generated by FBL</ span> through your Sales Report

Long-term storage fees

Operation and withdrawal fees


Additional service rates

  • Charged per unit stored more than 90 days.

  • Rate applies depending on sku size.

  • There is a charge once a month.


Customer billing process

When should I Send invoice to customer?

You must send the invoice the customer when the order status is “Delivered”. You can view this in the details of each order.

How do I generate the receipt or invoice to the FBL client? </p >

Remember that for To belong to FBL, you must have electronic billing so that you can send the electronic document to the client's email.

To review the customer data, enter “Orders > Fulfillment Orders”.

Call Our Store



Working hours of our store:

On weekdays:



from 8:00 to 21:00

from 9:00 to 20:00

from 10:00 to 19:00